7 Signs it's time to find a VA

Nov 21, 2022

Running a business can be liberating and fulfilling but all business owners will agree that it is time-consuming and stressful. With so many things and people pulling at you for attention, you may need a virtual assistant to help you save time, money and energy.  If you can relate to even one of the following signs, then it’s time for you to find a virtual assistant.

You can’t keep up with your schedule

If you always have meetings clashing and you keep missing important meetings or deadlines, you need a virtual assistant.  There is a wide range of diary management tasks that your VA can perform for you. They can confirm or decline meetings on your behalf and also ensure that you are on time and prepared for every important meeting.

Your work life outweighs your personal life

If your work and personal lives are blurred to the point where you can't tell them apart, you need a virtual assistant. Administrative tasks tend to take a lot of time and effort but you don’t have to do every single task when you have a virtual assistant. They’ll help you get more hours in the day for yourself and your personal life.

Research takes up too much of your time

Research can take forever, and finding the right information without the right research skills can be difficult. With a virtual assistant, you’ll never have to worry about finding time to research trends, new ideas or existing ones. Having your virtual assistant take care of this tedious task will free up your time for more important tasks. 

You spend hours completing countless repetitive tasks

Time is the best asset to keep a tight grip on. If you don't spend time thinking strategically, building new relationships, and developing ideas, all you have is a business that refuses to grow regardless of how much you work at it. When it takes you long hours to complete countless tasks, and much of your time is wasted doing repetitive tasks such as replying to social media comments and messages, hire a VA.

No or little time to attend to customers.

Customer support is very important in every aspect of a business. Apart from general administrative tasks, VAs can help with customer support by addressing sales and support enquiries in a timely manner. Having a VA reply to queries can avoid the spread of bad feedback about your brand and even help you improve your business using feedback from your customers. 

Your business is growing rapidly

As companies grow, responsibilities increase which means the company needs to take on more employees. You’ll need help with the increased workload of expanding your product and service offerings for customers. Hire VAs to keep costs at a minimum while keeping your business running smoothly as you grow.

There’s no time to train new hires

Lack of training can reduce productivity which can affect the growth of your business in the long term. Every business needs well-trained employees to help achieve the goals of the organization. If you don’t have enough time to train new employees, hire a VA instead. VAs have a wide range of skill sets and experiences that you can tap into to help your business.

If you ticked off any of the points above, the next question on your mind is probably where to find a virtual assistant. At Appoynt, we can help you grow your business by providing you with well-trained virtual assistants to handle your administrative and operational duties while cutting costs and saving time. Get in touch, we’re here to help.

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