Getting a VA is the best thing I did- Matt Goddard

Nov 28, 2022

Matt Goddard runs a design and development company called UXConsultancy which helps businesses understand the best way to sell to their customers digitally. UXConsultancy has worked with companies in the UK such as Hutchison 3g, Wanderlust and Reach TV. The company started as a web development business and has now grown to be more of an integrated product combining design and development. 

In the last few years, the company has expanded from 3 employees to 12. During this time, Matt realized that he needed to create processes that would support employees to do their jobs in a more structured way so that they could continue to produce better results for their customers. He decided he needed somebody who could help him track and understand what was going on in the business.

Matt came to us when he decided that he needed a VA. After he contacted us and told us what he needed help with, our team explained the different services that Appoynt offers and showed him how we could support him and that put us above other VA companies he reached out to.

“I didn't have an expectation of what I could achieve. And so having a professional team tell me what they do, how they help other people, and how the service works really helped me to have confidence that I would get a good service, which I have.

We started with a two-week trial where we paired Matt with a VA who he says was really helpful during that time. 

“It was great onboarding my VA because it meant that I had to think about all of the things that we do and the processes that we apply, and then make it so that she could easily understand and fulfil those tasks. Once you start thinking about those processes, you then start thinking ‘how do we do this or that differently?’. For me, that’s the hidden superpower of getting a VA.”

After the trial, Matt decided to work with us. He now has someone helping him manage his inbox, liaise with clients and partners on his behalf to arrange meetings, and ensure that invoices from suppliers are managed, and stored correctly for accounting purposes. And that's only a fraction of what she does!

“I’ve got somebody that's helping me be a better version of myself so that my company can be successful and that's been amazing. I honestly think getting a VA is the best thing I did. She has been awesome and is very complementary to the way that I like to work which is great. ”

Working with Appoynt has allowed Matt to better manage time for his business and to give his employees the attention they deserve.

At Appoynt, we can help you grow your business by providing you with well-trained virtual assistants to handle your administrative and operational duties while cutting costs and saving time. Get in touch, we’re here to help.

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