How To Get The Best Out of Your VA

Nov 14, 2022

In a previous post, we explored the various tasks that your VA can perform for you. Most people have an idea of what they want their VAs to do for them but end up wasting the talents and skills of their VAs. Why? Because they do not know how to utilize them efficiently. The team at Appoynt has considerable experience with different people who work with VAs. So, trust us when we say that the tips below are a surefire way to get the best out of any VA you hire!

Know what you need help with 

Obvious right? However, many people hire VAs assuming that they will automatically know how to help. Your VA will be significantly more useful when you know what you need their help with. Apart from the main tasks that they perform, you may find that there are several other tasks that your VA could help with. But you have to start from somewhere. Before you get a VA, make a list of the major things you need their help with.

Know their skill sets and use them

All VAs may have general knowledge and training in performing administrative tasks but each one of them will have different skills that could be beneficial to your business. These unique skill sets could prove useful for other tasks you need help with that you did not even consider. Apart from deciding what you need help with, let your VA tell you how they can also help.

Onboard your VA

Though they may be proficient at a variety of administrative tasks, your VA cannot provide the optimum level of support to your company unless they fully understand the procedures and processes you have established. Show them the tasks you need them to perform on a regular basis and any tools or software that are essential to the business. In addition, provide them with any login details, email addresses or access to any databases they might need as soon as they start working. This way, your VA will be well-equipped to support you.

Allow your VA to adjust during the first month

While you take time to onboard or train your VA, give your VA the chance to adjust to your style of work and the different software you use. Everyone needs a considerable amount of time to adapt and to learn on the job, even fast learners. A month is a reasonable time to allow your VA to get used to your business whether they are slow or fast learners.

Regular check-ins with VA

Have regular meetings with your VAs to check their progress on tasks and to also discuss other tasks you need them to perform. You can schedule check-ins on Monday to discuss the plan for the week and then on Friday to have a recap of the past week. If you need more check-in sessions, go ahead and schedule them. Or better still, let your VA do it.

Be responsive

This is probably the most important thing to keep in mind when getting a VA. Be available to your VA for any questions they might have for you, especially in the first month of working together. Your VA cannot help to the best of their ability if they are not getting answers to questions or if they are not getting approval from you for important tasks.

Incorporate your VA into your business

You may view your VA as just someone you hired to complete specific tasks. However, viewing them as just that can rob you of some of the benefits of using a VA. Instead, treat them as part of your team. After all, they are there to help you improve efficiency in your business. In the long run, your VA will be able to perform urgent and important tasks proactively which will help you save time and even money in certain instances.

Offer feedback

Let your VA know when they are doing well and when they need to step up their game. Feedback is useful for motivation and improvement. Give your VA constructive feedback so that they can progress faster in whatever tasks they are helping you with.

Set realistic goals

Your VA may be there to help you boost your business’s performance but remember that they are not robots. They are human like you and like other members of your team and are therefore prone to stress, anxiety and fatigue. Set goals that can be achieved within a reasonable amount of time. Your VA will be less likely to be burnt out and demotivated when they are given realistic goals to meet.

Are you considering hiring a VA? Contact us and let’s discuss how we can help your business grow by delivering a solution that is custom-designed, delivered, and managed for your enterprise needs, whether you require a single virtual resource or a virtual team.

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