It has been a pleasant and easy process - M. Fisher

Oct 25, 2023

Michelle Fisher, Controller at Reconciled
Michelle Fisher, Controller at Reconciled

This blog post shines the spotlight on a valued client, Reconciled, and their experience with Appoynt and our Accounts Receivable partner, Upflow. Reconciled are an accounting firm that provides bookkeeping, accounting, advisory and tax services.

Reconciled decided to work with us when their accounts receivable (AR) number was not decreasing like it should have been and they did not have the time and capacity to give the regular outreaches that needed to happen. Reflecting on the decision to entrust their needs to Appoynt, Michelle Fisher, Reconciled’s controller, spoke about how persistent we were about reaching out to see how we could help solve Reconciled’s accounts receivable problem. As a result, Appoynt was the obvious choice for them when they were ready to hire.

“We were going through cash flow issues, and so we weren't able to start right away. But Kwame was really good about continuing to reach out throughout the year until we came to a point where we could hire Appoynt for our AR services. We have been very happy that we made that decision because we see that our AR Aging is finally decreasing”

Among other things, our AR specialist assists Reconciled by sending emails to clients every week, making phone calls as needed, and tailoring messages based on ageing invoices. Michelle confirmed in our interview with her that our AR specialist has been successful in retrieving funds that they previously were unable to collect.

“We have seen that many of the old invoices that we have not been able to collect in sometimes in over a year or more, Kwabena has been successful in getting those funds to us. So we're very, very happy”

Michelle only had good things to say about their AR specialist and his work ethics. She was very impressed with his persistence with outreaches, his proactivity and his dedication to Reconciled even as a part-time contractor.

“It feels like he's just as invested in getting these funds to us as if it was his company that it doesn't feel like we're working with a third-party vendor and I think that's huge. It's also been a pleasant and easy process. It hasn't been a headache. We can just look at our AR Aging reports from when Kwabena started and now and we're seeing results”

Upflow, Appoynt’s Accounts Receivable partner, has also been of great help to Reconciled as the software helps save time.

“The software is really great. It's very user-friendly. I like how we can do different workflows because we do have different lines of service. Ultimately, I feel like it makes Appoynt’s job much more efficient and easier. And it works great for me as well. I like that we can dialogue back and forth on specific invoices”

Reconciled has been pleased with their experience with Appoynt and Upflow from the very beginning. At Appoynt, we're dedicated to helping you achieve your business goals. Get in touch with us, we’re here to help!

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