Rich Ashton’s Experience With Appoynt

Dec 4, 2023

Rich is a managing partner of FirstPartyCapital, a venture capital firm that invests capital and expertise in technology startups with a focus on advertising, digital media and marketing.

FirstPartyCapital’s portfolio includes companies such as Passendo, WatchingThat, Cavai and Carpio which are all very innovative privacy-first startups and therefore provide great returns for their investors.

FPC is a thriving company with a team of three people including Rich and his two other business partners. As is true for all fast-growing businesses, the work became too much for just the three partners to handle so they decided to hire a VA.

“Very quickly the amount of stuff I was doing was just unmanageable. And so I was working, in the evenings and on the weekends trying to get everything done, but still never getting everything done. And then we eventually decided that it made sense to get a VA to help relieve some of the workload.”

When they finally decided to hire a VA, Rich reached out to friends who had some experience working with VAs. We were already on Rich's radar because he knew Kwame, Appoynt’s founder. However, what made Rich choose us over other VA companies was a reference from Matthew Goldhill, the founder of Picnic. 

“Matt had said that Sheriff and Appoynt were brilliant. I spoke with one other business, but the person I know who was working with one of their VAs said it wasn't very good. I got a very good reference from Matt for Appoynt and not a very good reference for another company. So, I obviously went with Appoynt.”

Since then, Rich has had only good things to say about his VA. The company wanted Appoynt’s assistance with their customer relationship management, email management, and LinkedIn outreach and we exceeded all expectations. 

“She’s done a whole lot of other stuff as well. She’s been super proactive and very responsive. She understands everything that we need very quickly and so far she’s done a very good job of executing all the tasks that we have asked her to do.”

Apart from his glowing review of Appoynt, Rich is enjoying his experience with a VA in general.

“The fact that it’s flexible is great. But also really, for me, it’s just been time-saving. As I said, there’s just so much stuff that needs doing and I don't have enough time in the day. Again, for us to hire someone here in the UK would obviously be a lot more expensive. So I think for us it’s a fair price. Another thing is that it’s in the same time zone which is helpful.”

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