Tips for Working From Home

Nov 6, 2022

A lot has changed in the last two years in the corporate world. More people are working from home than ever before. Although this is a welcome change for many people, it can be difficult to adjust for some. Here are a few tips to help with your transition to working from home.

Structure the day like a typical workday

What is your normal routine when working in the office? Try to replicate that routine when working from home but with a few tweaks. For example, set a time for waking up. You can use the commute time to work out or get some chores done before work starts.

Setting a Focus time

When your workday starts, set focus times at different parts of the day. During these times, try to put aside anything that could distract you from your work like your phone. It helps to keep a to-do list for this time to keep you focused.

Home Workspace

An excellent way to structure your day like you’ll be in the office is to get a workspace in your home. This space should have essentials like a good desk, a comfortable seat and office supplies. 

Create a comfortable environment

Working from home has many benefits, one of them is being able to work in an environment that suits you and boosts your productivity. Create a comfortable environment in your home workspace by lighting a scented candle or keeping a house plant in the workspace, whatever works for you.

Strong internet connection

You’ll have to rely on the internet for almost everything including meetings and exchanging files when working from home. Make sure your internet connection is strong enough to facilitate these. Choose an internet provider in your area that offers excellent internet connectivity.

Dedicated Co-working space

Find a co-working space for yourself and your team in case you need to have collaborative sessions in person. This will also come in handy in unforeseen circumstances such as power outages or distractive construction work in your building.


Communication when working from home needs to be timely and frequent so that your team is always in the know about the progress of projects. In addition, During video calls, keep your camera on or inform your team beforehand if you have to keep it off. Ensure that your mic is always muted when you’re not speaking so that you do not distract the meeting. 

Schedule rest time and stick to it

Working from home can make it difficult to take breaks so schedule your break periods. During break time, try to keep away from your computer. Take a walk or a nap, or have a snack. Anything that helps you relax.

Boredom-busting activities

We advise that you keep yourself active while working from home because it can get quite boring. You can call colleagues and have a chat while you work as you would in the office or play some music to create a lively atmosphere while you work.

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